Worship handbook 2015


Ending corporal punishment of children – a handbook for worship and gatherings

Published by

Churches' Network for Non-violence (CNNV) & Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Publication date

April 2015

Type of publication





This substantial resource offers a variety of tools to support a faith-based approach to the prohibition of corporal punishment and the fostering of positive, non-violent adult-child relationships, through Bible study, prayers, vigils, liturgies and reflections on corporal punishment of children as well as activism through celebration of key events in the UN human rights calendar and activities with children and youth groups. Many of the materials are suitable for both private and collective use and can be adapted for the local context or used to trigger ideas for further studies or reflections.

The handbook includes an introduction contextualizing the materials within the obligations of governments under human rights law to protect children from all forms of corporal punishment, and a final section outlining online resources to support further development on the issue.

Additional resources to accompany the handbook are available on the CNNV website.

If you have questions or comments about this or any of our resources, or to request hard copies, contact us at info@endcorporalpunishment.org.